Category Archives: culture

Peel yourself a designer chair ..

At the XXIst Century Man Exhibition curated by Issey Miyake, he expressed a concept of active, optimistic and forward-moving “21st century people”, the kind of people who,”don’t just wear clothes, but shed their skin”. 

Taking up this challenge, Nendo ( designed a furniture that  transformed a roll of pleated paper into a small chair that appears naturally as you peel away its outside layers, one layer at a time.

I thought this was a wonderful observation and adaptation of nature (as designed by the Almighty). Just think of the innovative possibilities, if we were to focus and be more observant to nature … 

ART as a weapon of WIT : ‘What happen to us ?’ series by Dan Perjovschi

Dan Perjovski uses cartoons to communicate wit.

To a question on whether he has other works of detailed aesthetics he said ..

‘ I am very academically trained, I was growing up in a soviet kind of country … i.e communist … and education there was very ‘stahanovistic’ i.e. if you have a certain talent .. they put you in a special school, so I did 12 years of studying art … I graduate in painting in Bucharest Rumania, these works are like a rebellion to what they teach me, my teachers are horrified when they see these works … in a way my language is in time, its like a process, now I got to this point, I am very satisfied with it and I keep it … I try to keep it simple and funny. A lot of contemporary art needed explanation and sometimes it is incomprehensible to me too … I grew up in a communist country and we do not have much information. I did not have the same model (of countries with information freedom) as you have .. I do not know any art history because it was censored .. and all the models that I have in my country .. I reject them. Its to late for me to relate now …

See his work and interview with the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)


Video montage of 360>LoveArtPassion : A group exhibition